Cursed by Jeff the Killer

I had just escaped from Jeff. I couldn't believe it. I had killed the killer himself. I was walking down the street, happy, but something seemed off. People seemed scared off me, for some reason. When I grabbed a man's arm to ask why he was scared, he turned into a red blood puddle. I vomited, terrified, but my vomit was blood. I then looked at my hands. They looked like solid blood. I realized, horrified, that I was made of blood. People around me vomited and fainted, the vomit spraying through the air, making a vomit rainbow. I grabbed onto a tree to steady myself, but then the tree turned into blood, making me fall to the ground. When I touched the sidewalk, it turned into a bloody red blood river, drowning people in blood, as they all died bloody deaths.
My powers were amazing, yet bloody. I started to enjoy blood. My goal was to turn the whole world into blood. Everything had to be bloody like me. I started grabbing people, and laughing, watching them scream as they fell into pools of blood. This always turned me on, which made my panties bloody. Itried to carve a smile into my face, but whatever I touched became blood, so I had to carve a bloody smile into my face made of blood using only my blood fingers. Blood shot out of my blood face as I carved a smile into the blood. I was so happy. Everything is blood now. The planet is blood, you are blood, I am blood.